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A Fake Marriage Romance Collection Page 27

  “They’re paying each of you $100,000.”

  Adam staggered back. “A hundred grand?” His reaction mirrored her own. She couldn’t believe it.

  Leon grinned and shifted from one foot to the other. “I told you it was big bucks. They’re prepared to push this show hard. Big advertising, big media events, you’ll be on all the hot talk shows. You’ll make names for yourselves.”

  “But not for our morning show.” Megan saw her dream swirl and disappear into the drain. She didn’t want to be some reality TV star. She didn’t want to be known as ‘the girl who married the chump and then found out his affections were based on a lie.’

  Leon waved her comment away like a pesky fly. “You’re not seeing the big picture. Once you’re famous, you can write your own ticket. They give famous people talk shows all the time. Chevy Chase, Bonnie Hunt…even Magic Johnson got his own show.”

  Megan scowled. “Weren’t all those canceled right away?”

  “Bad examples. But that’s beside the point. You know what being a household name can do for you. Think about it. Don’t just say no because you’re angry.”

  She glanced at Adam. He looked like a salivating dog. Of course. He wanted to advance his career, just like she did. And she knew how much it would mean to him to have his father closer.

  What were the chances that Leon was right? If she made enough of a splash with this stupid facade, could she get her own serious show? She swallowed. It was possible.

  Oh, but she loathed the idea of being the brunt of another one of Leon’s cruel jokes. She’d had enough of that and couldn’t bear to think of the humiliation. And not just local people would be watching this time. She’d be embarrassed on national television. A headache pounded in her skull. But Leon was right. Even if she was made the fool, if she handled it right, she might come out on top. And then maybe she could get her own show, away from Leon and Adam.

  But…marrying Adam? She didn’t want to sign papers and pledge to love him ‘until death do us part.’ Not if she didn’t mean it. Marriage was sacred. At least to her.

  She took a breath and let it out slowly. “Can’t we do a fake wedding?”

  Leon shook his head. “No. People dig into that kind of stuff. It has to be real. But the two of you don’t have to really be in love. People marry all the time for reasons other than love. You only need to make it look convincing on camera.” He chuckled. “And you’re doing a great job of that already.”

  Probably because every stupid day she felt more attracted to Adam. Megan tried not to scowl. This was her own fault. She should never have agreed to go out with him. If she had refused, no one would be asking her to marry him.

  And ABC wouldn’t want her.

  Thoughts of being on a major network sifted through her mind. Could she do it? Could she agree to marry Adam? She was attracted to him. And when he kissed her, the world spun. They had chemistry.

  Adam and Leon stared at her, waiting for her to say something. Waiting for her to concede. Seconds ticked by as she tried to wrap her brain around what she was about to do. “When do they want to start taping?”

  Leon’s face brightened. “They want to have it on the fall schedule. They’ll start taping immediately. But the last show, the wedding, they want to do live.”

  Live so they could embarrass her. She’d just have to think of a way to turn it on them. Make them look like fools. She turned to Adam. “What do you think?”

  Several emotions played across his face before he spoke. “I think a hundred grand is difficult to turn down. I also think this could help both of our careers.” He held up his hands. “But I don’t want to force you to do anything you don’t want to. I’ll go along with it if you do, but if you say no, I’ll back you up.”

  Leon coughed, and she could have sworn she heard the word ‘wimp’ in there somewhere. She tossed him a dirty look. “If I say yes, and that’s a big ‘if,’ our marriage wouldn’t be real, even if it’s legitimate on paper. So, separate beds.”

  Adam squirmed. “Of course.”

  “And if I go through with this, we’ll plan on getting a quiet annulment a few months after the show airs.”

  Adam nodded, a slight grimace crossing his features. “Sure.”

  Megan stared at the men, shocked at what she was about to say. Sighing, she plopped down onto one of the cheap lobby chairs and placed her head in her hands. “Fine. I’ll do it.”

  Adam folded his arms across his chest, frowning. “Not exactly how I imagined a woman would accept my marriage proposal.”

  Megan tried to laugh at his levity, but all she could do was moan, already regretting her decision.

  Adam walked across the room, smiled at the camera, and sat on the plush leather seat. They had rented some swanky mansion to tape the show in, and all he could see were crystal chandeliers and gold accents shining from the bright film lighting. The infamous Doctor Lemon sat opposite him.

  “Adam, before we begin, I’d like to ask you some questions regarding your relationship with Megan.”

  He nodded. “Of course.”

  “My analysis of you showed deep feelings for Megan, even before you started dating. Had you realized your feelings at the time?”

  Great. Just what he wanted to do. Talk about his feelings on national television. Heat crept up his neck, and he adjusted his tie. “Um, no. I mean, I’ve always liked Megan. She’s spunky. But I hadn’t thought about her in a romantic way.”

  “And how has that changed?”

  He squirmed and thought about the time he’d spent with her over the last few weeks. If he were being honest, he’d have to admit his attraction had grown. But what was he supposed to say on camera?

  Doctor Lemon leaned forward and put her hand on his knee. “I sense your hesitation.” She glanced around the room. “Ignore the cameras for a minute. Try to relax. We’re just having a conversation.”

  Adam drew in a shaky breath and let it out. “Okay.”

  “You’ve spent the last few weeks dating Megan. How has that affected your relationship?”

  “I’ve gotten to know her. We’ve become friends.” He cringed at his own use of the word. That wasn’t what he had meant to say.

  Doctor Lemon peered at him over her glasses. “Now you’re parroting Megan’s words. Is it because you are afraid to admit you feel more for her than she does for you?”

  “No. I mean…” He ran his hand through his hair. Was she right? He thought back to the times when he pulled her close, and caressed her soft lips with his. Was she only kissing him because of the camera? Did it mean more to him? “I do like Megan. A lot.”

  She pursed her lips. “If she were ill, would you stay by her side and nurse her back to health?”

  Adam stared at the woman. Did she know? Was this a trick? He slowly nodded. “Of course.”

  “Would you be willing to put yourself at risk to save her, if she were in danger?”

  He chewed his bottom lip. Of course he would. He couldn’t bear to see any harm come to her. “I would.”

  “How far would you go? Would you risk death to save her?”

  He imagined a situation where Megan was held at gunpoint, a man in a ski mask holding her throat. His gut clenched. What would he do? The answer came as his emotions surged. He’d run to her and pound that son-of-a-gun into the pavement. “Yes.”

  “Would you die to save her?” Doctor Lemon’s voice was barely above a whisper.

  His heart jumped into his throat and his pulse raced. He knew the answer. “Yes.”

  Doctor Lemon drew closer. “You love her.”

  The realization smacked him in the face, and he blinked. She was right. It had to be. Why else would he be willing to risk death for her? He slowly nodded.

  Doctor Lemon turned a smug smile to the cameras. “I think we’re ready to begin our first exercise.”

  Megan sat on a flimsy folding chair, back to back with Adam. Doctor Lemon—the faker—stood against a wall of books, directing some young c
rewmen to tie their arms together with rope. Two cameras fastened near the ceiling filmed them.

  “Ouch, that’s too tight.” Megan squirmed.

  The crewman winced. “Sorry. Is this better?” He loosened it a little bit, but not much.

  “They need to be tight.” Doctor Lemon folded her arms. “The point of this is to work together to get yourselves out of this situation.”

  After everyone left and the door was closed, Megan looked around. There was a small mahogany desk with a leather office chair, one lamp, and a wall filled with books. A large, expensive-looking rug took up most of the floor. “That’s it? We’re somehow supposed to work together to get untied? How are we to do that?”

  One of Adam’s low, sexy chuckles came. “I’m not sure.”

  “I can’t hardly even wiggle my arms. Why’d they tie them so tight?”

  “Probably so we don’t cheat.”

  Megan blew out a breath. “Okay. Fine. But now what do we do?”

  “Maybe there’s a knife or a letter opener in that desk.”

  “Good thought. Do you think we can stand?”

  Adam entwined her fingers with his. “If we push against each other.”

  “Okay.” She tried to ignore the tingles his touch sent up her arms. “On the count of three.” She counted, and they both pushed up. They managed to stand, but they were uncomfortably straddling their seats. “Let’s go left. Ready?”

  She took a step, only to realize Adam hadn’t moved and it jerked him off balance. They teetered for a second, then toppled to the floor, Megan landing on top of him. A grunt came from underneath her.

  “Oops! Sorry,” she said, trying to peer over her shoulder at him. “You okay?”

  “Fine,” he choked.

  She squirmed for a minute, trying to roll them over, but only succeeding in wiggling her backside up against his. Heat seared her face. “Um, I can’t seem to get off you.”

  “No worries. I’m rather enjoying myself.”

  “Adam!” she squeaked. “You pig. Move!”

  He sighed and rolled them into a sitting position. “You’re no fun.”

  She held back a giggle. “We’ll stand, then walk to the desk. Ready?” She waited this time, until he gave his assent. They pressed against each other, successfully standing. Moving toward the desk took a little more cooperation, but they were able to do so without falling.

  They maneuvered around to the drawers and slid open the top one. “Empty.” He didn’t sound too disappointed, and Megan hid a smile. She had to admit this wasn’t so bad after all.

  They checked each drawer with the same results. “Now what?” She tried to blow a piece of hair out of her face.

  “What’s that on the shelf, over there?” He pointed to the far wall, where something silver glinted in the light.

  They navigated to the other side of the room, where they found a pair of scissors on the shelf near where Doctor Lemon had been standing. “Ha! We did it.” Megan grabbed them and slid her fingers through the handles.

  “Now you can cut the ropes.”

  She angled several different directions, but couldn’t get the scissors in the right position. “I can’t. My hand doesn’t bend that way.”

  Adam laughed. “Great. We did all that for nothing.”

  “And my arms are starting to go numb.”

  “Wait, I have an idea. You hold one handle, and I’ll take the other. We’ll point the scissors up, and see if we can cut through together.”

  His plan worked, and soon they had one arm free. Adam took the scissors and cut through the other rope, his fingers warm on her skin.

  Megan smiled. “We did it!” She hugged him.

  Doctor Lemon opened the door and shuffled into the room. “Well done. You passed your first exercise.”

  Adam cleared his throat. “What’s the next one?”

  Doctor Lemon smiled. “You get to meet your competition.”

  Chapter 15

  Megan smoothed her black dress and nervously shuffled her feet as she walked down the dim hallway. When she entered the foyer, Doctor Lemon rushed over to her. “There you are. We’re about to start. Come along, the men are waiting.”

  Her mouth went dry at the mention of ‘the men.’ When she signed up to do the show, she hadn’t known she’d have to date other guys. And she wasn’t sure what the deal was anyway. She’d signed a contract to marry Adam at the end. Why throw other men into the mix? It all seemed rather stupid to her.

  But the producer was adamant. She was to flirt with these men and pretend she liked all of them. The audience couldn’t know she was going to pick Adam at the end.

  The sun had already set, leaving the backyard dark. The sliding glass door led to a large deck lit up with candles and tons of camera lighting. When she stepped out, all the air left her lungs. Three men who could easily be models stood leaning against the railing. Maybe this wouldn’t be so bad after all. They were dressed in expensive suits and ties.

  The first one had jet black hair and stunning blue eyes. He smiled at her and raised his glass of champagne. The second wore a cowboy hat, his broad shoulders and muscular physique displaying the hours he must work outdoors. The third held a rose and had longer hair, mussed up in a perfectly sexy kind of way. And then she noticed Adam. He was standing apart from the others, his eyes almost caressing her with his gaze. He smiled, his dimples causing her stomach to erupt in butterflies.

  Doctor Lemon stepped forward and addressed the cameras. “This morning, Adam confessed his love for Megan.”

  The words sent a jolt of electricity through Megan. He did? She hadn’t been allowed to watch Adam’s interview. What had he said?

  “Let’s watch.” Doctor Lemon motioned to a television mounted on the side of the mansion. Megan turned around and stared as Adam’s face filled the screen. It was obvious the poor guy was nervous, and as the doctor pried him for personal information, he struggled to answer.

  As the tape played, and Adam admitted he would risk his own life to save her, emotion swelled within her. She wanted to believe him. He looked like he was speaking from his heart. But he was also getting paid a hundred thousand dollars. She couldn’t allow herself to be fooled. She steeled herself against the warmth surging through her.

  Adam didn’t love her. It was all an act.

  After the clip with Adam, Doctor Lemon spoke. “As you can see, Adam feels deeply for Megan. Let’s see if these feelings are returned.”

  A new tape played. This one was of Megan talking about how they were just friends. And then it skipped to her shouting that she’d never marry Adam, even if she were dying and he were the only cure.

  Heat crept up her cheeks. That wasn’t meant to be filmed. A couple of the guys chuckled, and Adam looked down at his feet.

  She wanted to interrupt…to stop the obvious humiliation to Adam, but she couldn’t. There was nothing she could say that would make it better. So she let it play out.

  Doctor Lemon turned the television off and approached Megan. “Over the next few weeks, we will be doing some exercises to see if Megan is compatible with Adam.” She looked around the deck. “Or if she might be better suited with another man.” The cowboy tipped his hat to her, champagne dude lifted his glass, and the man with the mussed hair winked.

  Megan gazed up into the night sky, hoping a stray boulder would fall on her. Or maybe the tail off an airplane.

  With her hand on her hip, Doctor Lemon motioned for Megan to follow her off the deck. A stone bench sat between two large trees in the beautifully landscaped yard. “Here. Sit. It’s time to meet the bachelors.”

  The first to be ushered over was champagne dude. “Heeeey,” he said, stretching it out into two syllables. He ran his fingers through his perfectly styled hair. “I’m Anthony.”

  She felt like she should shake his hand or something, but he didn’t offer it, so she just smiled and stuck her hands in her lap. “Hey.”

  He glanced around to find the camera. “So, I guess I
’m, like, supposed to tell you about myself.” He grinned, and his clear blue eyes made her stomach a little fluttery. “I’m a singer. Trying to make it, ya know. Be discovered. I tried out for The Voice, but that didn’t work out, so I thought I’d get my foot in the door with something like this.” He flashed her a smile, then she realized he was looking just over her left shoulder…at the camera.

  She rolled her eyes and pushed down the urge to say, “I’m over here, moron.” Instead, she said, “What do you like to do in your spare time?”

  “Play my guitar. Heeeey, maybe I can serenade you or something, huh? Show off my talent. Maybe woo you a little.” He grinned like it was a brilliant idea.

  Megan forced a polite smile. “Uh, huh.”

  The guy with the rose walked up. “Excuse me,” he said in a thick French accent. “I think it is time to switch, no?”

  Anthony frowned. “Already?”


  With a groan, Anthony stood. “Okay, then. Have at her.” He sauntered away.

  The man sat on the bench and handed her the rose. “For you.” His gaze traveled over her, and she suddenly felt shy.

  “Thank you.”

  He took her hand and placed his other on top, enveloping it in warmth. “I’m Luc. And you are more beautiful than I imagined.”

  She cringed, wondering what he’d imagined. An image of an ogre with one eye popped into her head and she stifled a giggle. “Thanks.”

  “I am honored to meet you. Tell me about yourself.”

  She thought the men were supposed to do the talking, but she went with it. “I’m Megan. I co-host a morning show with Adam. I enjoy biking and running.” She tried to come up with something else, but couldn’t.

  “Ah, you are athletic. I, too, do some running.” He grinned and squeezed her hand. “Maybe we can go together sometime, no?”

  His touch was sending little sparks through her, and she had trouble thinking. “Sure.”

  “And now a little about me. I was born in France, but came to America as a young man. I own a clothing store in upstate New York.”