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A Fake Marriage Romance Collection Page 26

  “You spent the night here?” She clutched the covers tighter.

  “You wouldn’t let me take you to a doctor. And you had a high fever. I needed to give you some ibuprofen, and watch you, to make sure you didn’t have a seizure or something. And if you weren’t better today, I was taking you in, no matter what you said.”

  Images from her dreams flashed in her mind, and she could no longer look him in the eye. “Um…I must have been out of it.”

  He rocked back on his heels. “Yeah.”

  A horrible feeling settled over her. She didn’t want to ask, but needed to know. “What did I say?”

  His lip twitched. “Plenty.”

  “Well, I wasn’t myself. I had a fever. You can’t take any of that seriously.”

  He folded his arms across his broad chest. “Uh, huh.”

  “I mean, I was delusional.”

  He nodded, a grin forming, those blasted dimples showing. “Oh, and your sister called.”

  “You answered my phone?”

  He shrugged. “Wendy says, ‘Get better soon.’”

  Heat singed her face. Great. Wendy would probably jump to the wrong conclusions. She raked her hand through her hair, and it stuck in a tangle, reminding her that she probably resembled the bride of Frankenstein. Heaven only knew what she smelled like. “I need to shower.”

  “Oh, yes. Well, uh,” he stammered. “I’ll go in the other room.” He backed up a step. “Are you hungry? Do you want me to make you some eggs or something?”

  She couldn’t hide a smile. He was cute when he was uncomfortable. “Sure.”

  She took an extra-long time in the shower, scrubbing off the buildup of sweat from her fevered state. She even shaved her legs, although she wasn’t sure why. It wasn’t like she was planning on wearing a dress. But the thought of Adam carrying her, her orangutan-legs sticking out from her nightgown, gave her the motivation.

  Just getting clean made her feel so much better, although she was very weak. She put on a pair of sweats and a loose-fitting top. As she dressed, thoughts of Adam bombarded her. Why did it make her feel safe, knowing that he was there taking care of her? She didn’t need anyone doting on her, she was a grown woman. But she couldn’t help but smile as she remembered the way he’d kissed her on the forehead.

  When she left the bathroom, the smell from the kitchen made her mouth water. Adam stood at the stove, a frying pan in one hand, a spatula in the other. “Feel better?”

  “Yes. Much.” She sat at the table, where a glass of milk awaited her.

  He scooped the eggs onto a plate and added a piece of toast, jam spread over the top. “I hope your stomach’s better. You haven’t eaten anything since I got here.”

  She picked up the glass and swallowed the cold liquid. “Mmm, nice.” He handed her a fork, and she scooped up her first fluffy bite. “Heaven.”

  A sultry grin crossed his face. He flipped a chair around and sat straddling it, his arms across the back. “You don’t know how happy I am to see you up and around, and not talking nonsense.” His boots were back on.

  She grimaced, and he chuckled silently. As she ate, she stole a few glances at him. She really did appreciate him coming over, helping her like he had. It wasn’t something anyone else had ever done for her. Growing up, she’d fended for herself, in sickness and in health.

  The food was gone in a matter of minutes, and her energy drained. He took her plate. “Go lie down. You need to rest. I’ll take care of the dishes.”

  She protested, but he put a finger to her lips. “Please.”

  How could she argue with that? She nodded and pushed herself up. The room swayed, and Adam rushed to her side, helping her down the hall. When she slid under the covers, she gasped. “You changed my sheets?”

  “Hush. You need a nap.” He gently guided her shoulders back until she lay on the cool pillows.

  Her eyelids drooped, and she found it hard to speak. “Mmkay.” She snuggled down into the bed, relishing the feel of the clean sheets on her skin. Adam was amazing. She might be in love. Wait. Did she say that out loud?

  The last thing she heard was Adam’s chuckle as she drifted off to sleep.

  Chapter 13

  Megan continued to improve, although her cough lingered for a while. The next time she saw Adam, she tried to thank him for his kindness, only to have him wave it off. He seemed embarrassed she was calling attention to his good deed.

  As she entered the station that Friday morning, her body tingled with anticipation. She tried to ignore it, but she had to admit, she was excited to see Adam. She walked down the hallway toward Leon’s office, stopping when she heard tense voices.

  “What do you think you’re doing?” Adam’s voice boomed.

  “Chill, man. It’s fine. I got this.” Leon. What was that weasel up to now?

  “You’d better. Because you know what will happen if…” His words were left hanging in the air.

  “Don’t worry.”

  Adam stormed out, almost running into her. His eyes widened. “Oh, sorry. I didn’t know you were there.”

  “What was that about?”

  He avoided her gaze. “Nothing.”

  “Didn’t sound like nothing.” She narrowed her eyes. What was he hiding? And just when she was beginning to trust him.

  “Sorry.” He shifted his weight. “Leon and I don’t always see eye to eye. But he’s the boss, ya know?” His eyes pleaded with her. “I don’t always have a choice.”

  She studied him. Sweat formed on his forehead. She grabbed his arm. “What’s he making you do?”

  “Nothing.” He pulled her down the hallway, away from Leon’s office. “Just…no matter what happens, I’m on your side. Okay?”

  What did that mean? And why did it sound so ominous? She nodded, unsure of what to think. Maybe he did want to tell her, and Leon was forcing his hand. Maybe this was all Leon’s fault.

  He glanced at his watch. “We’d better get on set. The show starts in a few minutes.”

  As Megan pinned her microphone on, she caught a glimpse of a woman off set wearing a beige business suit. Her heart caught in her throat. Doctor Lemon. Or whoever she really was.

  Adam knew…that had to be what he wasn’t telling her. Her mouth went dry. Why was the actress here? Was she going to reveal herself as a hack? What were they going to say?

  She straightened in her chair, as Dale was already counting down. Nothing she could do about it now. If this was it and they were going to try to humiliate her, she was ready. She could deflect them.

  After their first break, when they were supposed to introduce a teen violinist, Adam turned to the camera and flashed his plastic smile. “We’ve had a bit of a change in schedule. Tiffany Brighten was unable to make it today, so we’ve brought back a popular guest from earlier in the month. Please welcome relationship specialist Doctor Shelby Lemon.”

  Megan kept her face passive, even after Adam shot her an apologetic glance. The girl posing as the doctor stepped up on the set and took a seat next to Megan. How had she not seen it before? The woman was quite young, only made up to look older with her over-sized glasses and an obvious wig.

  “Tell us what you’ve been up to.” Adam leaned forward, his television smile in place, but a bead of sweat belied his nerves.

  Doctor Lemon laughed. “You know, the life of a researcher. Pretty boring. What I’d like, Adam, is to get an update on how things are going with you and Megan.” She eyed the two of them over the rim of her glasses.

  Adam chuckled. “Our relationship is an open book, Shelby. It’s on the Internet, after all.”

  Megan’s shoulders relaxed with relief. This was just an update show. They’d talk about their online dating, get more hype for Leon’s website, and that would be it.

  “Yes, of course I’ve been watching the show. Very entertaining. But what I’m most interested in is what happens off-camera.” A wicked grin crossed Doctor Lemon’s face.

  Adam sat frozen, the stupid smile plast
ered on as if he’d stuck his face in cement. Megan jumped in. “Of course we speak to each other when we’re not on camera, but you pretty much get to see everything important going on.”

  Adam snapped out of his stupor. “I’m curious to know what you think of our relationship, after watching our dates.”

  Yes. Turn the tables back onto her. Megan silently applauded him. The fake doctor patted his knee. “I have watched you grow closer. Is it true that your feelings for Megan have increased?”

  He didn’t miss a beat. “Yes. Most definitely.”

  “You get pretty cozy on camera. I’m glad to hear it’s not all an act.”

  Megan seethed, gripping the sides of her chair. Who was this fake to imply their relationship wasn’t real, when she was the impostor? “We’ve grown quite fond of each other. Adam is a perfect gentleman.”

  “Well, not a perfect gentleman. I’ve seen those doorstep scenes.” Shelby raised her eyebrows.

  Adam laughed. “I’ve been told I’m a good kisser.”

  Heat rose to Megan’s face, but she pushed down her embarrassment. It wasn’t a lie. “I’m not going to argue.”

  “Why, Megan, you’re blushing.” The grin on Doctor Lemon’s face gave her a sour stomach. “Tell me, how would you categorize your relationship with Adam?”

  “We’re friends.” The words slipped out before she could think about them, but the look on Adam’s face made her sink into her chair.

  Doctor Lemon pursed her lips. “Surely you’ll admit to being closer than just friends.”

  Megan cleared her throat, trying to buy time. What was she to say to that? Of course they were more than friends, if she were being honest with herself. But what should she call their relationship? There was no easy box to put it in. And it was none of her business anyway. “Yes, of course. I meant that I see Adam as a friend now, whereas before, I wouldn’t have trusted him with a bag of Jelly Bellies.”

  He frowned, and the fake doctor appeared to be trying not to smile. “I do think you’ve come a long way. However, I think the two of you are hiding something. Is it true that Adam took you to meet his father on Easter Sunday?”

  All color left Adam’s face, and his jaw muscles flexed.

  Doctor Lemon continued. “And is it also true that Adam was seen leaving your apartment Tuesday morning?” Her eyebrows wiggled in a suggestive manner.

  Megan’s hands shook, and she glared at Little Ms. Fake Pants. “Like I said, Adam has never been anything but a gentleman.”

  “So, you don’t deny it?”

  All Megan could think about was punching the woman in the face. Adam spoke up. “I assure you, Doctor Lemon, our relationship is still in the beginning stages. We’re getting to know one another, and I admit it’s all thanks to you.”

  The good doctor turned her wicked smile on him. “Would you say your relationship has grown beyond friendship?”

  Adam swallowed, glancing at Megan. “Yes.”

  “And would you admit to your fans that you would like to pursue a deeper connection?”

  He paused. Megan didn’t realize she was holding her breath until her lungs began to burn. Adam slowly nodded. “Yes.”

  “One last question.” When had they lost control of the interview? “Are there going to be wedding bells in the future?”

  Megan’s mouth dropped open, and she had to sit on her hands to keep from ripping the woman’s wig off her pointy little head. Adam shrugged and flashed his cool smile at the camera. “I guess our fans will have to watch to see.”

  After the show, Megan stormed into Leon’s office. “Are you following me? Watching my apartment?”

  Leon sat at his computer, his fingers making a clickity noise as they flew across the keyboard. “Mmm?” he asked, without turning to look at her.

  Anger pulsed through her. She clenched her hands into tight fists. “Are. You. Following. Me?”

  He looked up. “No. Your fans see you two. They talk. It’s all on the website. There’s quite a discussion going on about when Adam is going to pop the question.”

  “What?” Adam’s deep voice sounded behind her, and she whirled around.

  Leon frowned. “Don’t you go on the website?”

  “Yes. I print off all the comments each week.” Adam folded his arms.

  “No, not the comments, the forum.” He clicked a few times, and they were staring at the Adam Warner and Megan Holloway forum. The most active thread was labeled, “Will there be a wedding?”

  Megan’s heart pounded in her chest. “What are you doing? You’re encouraging these rumors, aren’t you? I wouldn’t be surprised to learn you started them.”

  A guilty look flashed across Leon’s face and vanished just as quickly. “It’s gaining viewers.”

  Her cheeks heated. “I am only going to say this once. I am not marrying Adam. I wouldn’t marry him if I were dying and he was the only cure!”

  “Hey!” Adam said, frowning.

  She touched his arm. “No offense.”

  “How can I not take offense at that?”

  A movement caught Megan’s eye, and she turned to see Dale with his camera pointed at them. She let out a guttural yell and slapped her hand over the lens, shoving it back. “I can’t believe you people!”

  She stormed out of the station.

  A week after the Doctor Lemon fiasco, Megan was curled up on her sofa reading when her phone rang. The display read Adam. She couldn’t stop the butterflies from acting up.

  She slid her finger across the display to answer. “Hey.”

  “Leon just called me. He wants to see us down at the station right away, says it’s important.” Adam sounded breathless, like he’d been running.

  The hairs on her neck stood. “What does he want?”

  “I don’t know, but we’d better get over there. Want me to pick you up?”

  She glanced at the clock. “I don’t know. It’s getting late. What if people see us?”

  He groaned. “Funny. I’ll be there in a few.”

  “All right. But you’d better have me home before midnight, or people will talk.” She didn’t mean to be so sarcastic, it just came out.

  She hung up, then decided to change out of her T-shirt and sweats and refresh her makeup. By the time he pulled up, she was ready and waiting for him. She slid into the passenger seat. “What’s this all about?”

  “Your guess is as good as mine.”

  When they got to the station, Leon was waiting in the lobby by the door. He pulled them inside and rounded on them. “ABC wants to buy the show.”

  Excitement shot through her. “What? How?”

  Leon looked like a kid at Christmas. “I pitched our show and sent them tapes. They love the idea!”

  Adam grabbed her arms and pulled her into an embrace. “ABC! Can you believe it? We’re going to be on ABC!”

  She hopped up and down with him, unable to contain her enthusiasm. “My mother’s going to flip! She never thought I’d amount to anything in television.”

  Adam grinned. “And I’ll be able to afford to bring my father to a closer facility.”

  “I can’t believe we’ll have our own morning show on a major network!”

  Leon cleared his throat. “Um, no. It’s nothing like that.”

  Somewhere in the back of her brain, she heard the horrible sound of a record player needle scratching over vinyl. “Wait. What are you talking about?”

  Leon rubbed his mustache. “It’s not your morning show they want.”

  A cold lump formed in her middle. “What do you mean?”

  “They want your dating show. They’re going to bring on Doctor Lemon as the host, and the whole premise is Adam trying to win you over.” His eyes gleamed. “They’re making a whole mini-series, ‘Winning Megan Over’, or something like that. They’re not sure of the title yet.”

  Megan’s stomach lurched as her dreams went crashing into pieces. This was not what she expected. A major network…and all they wanted was to film her and Ad
am dating? That couldn’t be right. There had to be more to it than that. “What would the show entail?”

  Leon shrugged and shuffled his feet while staring at the plastic plant stuck in the corner of the room. “Um, well, not much, really. They want to show clips from our show. Give the readers a taste of what you guys are about. Then they’ll have Doctor Lemon working with Adam, coaching him, helping him woo you.”

  She narrowed her eyes. “Woo me? Like, going on dates, right?”

  “Yes. Dating will be part of it.” His eyes shifted, and she could tell there was more to it.

  “And what else?”

  “I don’t have to tell you that ABC is a major network. We are talking big money here.”

  Adam put his hands on his hips. “Leon…”

  “This will be a huge jump for your careers. If this goes well, they will look at your morning show.” He took a step back and hooked his thumbs in his pockets.

  She was getting annoyed. “What else, Leon?”

  “There’s just one catch.”

  “What is it?” she and Adam said at once.

  “They don’t want it unless you agree to get married at the end of the show.”

  Chapter 14

  Heat burned Megan’s face, and she took a step toward Leon, her nose only inches from his. “I can’t believe the depths of your greed.”

  He threw his hands up in surrender. “Hey, it’s not me.”

  Megan poked his chest with one finger. “I don’t believe that for a second. You pitched the show. You created the idea.” She narrowed her eyes. “You came up with this scheme.”

  “You don’t have to stay married.”

  Megan clenched her fists, her arms shaking with restraint. What she wanted to do was punch the guy.

  Adam spoke up. “Wait. Let’s take a second to—”

  Megan rounded on him. “Don’t you join his side. We are not getting married as some stunt for television. Not now, not ever.” She wasn’t going to be bullied into making herself a spectacle. And she was sure Leon planned on revealing Dr. Lemon as a fraud after the wedding, to humiliate her even more.