A Fake Marriage Romance Collection Read online

Page 32

  The audience clapped and they were ushered off for another photo shoot. After a zillion photos of the two of them, they did all the other normal wedding things: the cake—which she successfully smeared all over Adam’s face, the dinner and dancing, and the tossing of the bouquet. All the while, Megan waited for the announcement that would make her look like a fool.

  Except the announcement never came.

  After the guests left, the cameras turned off, and Megan and Adam went to the Bridal suite, it finally hit her. They hadn’t done it. The big reveal hadn’t happened.

  Confused, she locked herself in the bathroom and slipped off her dress. Maybe Leon had changed his mind. A weight lifted from her shoulders.

  The show was over. They’d fulfilled their contract. She and Adam were free to ride out the publicity wave and then get a quiet annulment after everyone forgot about them.

  It wouldn’t be too bad. Adam had already volunteered to sleep on the sofa in their honeymoon suite. And he had assured her he had a nice guest bedroom in his home. They’d just wait this out. She could do that. Right?

  She stared at herself in the mirror. The frumpy sweats and T-shirt she’d brought did nothing for her figure. That was on purpose. She didn’t want to give Adam the wrong idea. She brushed her teeth, then exited the bathroom.

  Adam was sitting on the couch, wearing pajamas and a pair of leather slippers. She about swallowed her tongue. He patted the sofa in a silent invitation to join him.

  She didn’t realize how tired she was until she sat down. The thing with Doctor Lemon must have been weighing heavily on her, because she suddenly felt light and quite comfortable sitting next to Adam. “I think today went well.”

  He grinned. “Just well?”

  “As well as it could have. I didn’t trip over my dress and show everyone on national television my underwear.”

  Adam raised his eyebrow, and a devilish look played across his face. “Why, what kind of underwear are you wearing?”

  She whacked his arm. “You’ll never find out.”

  He laughed, but his smile didn’t reach his eyes. “You looked tense today.”

  “I was. I really thought Doctor Lemon was going to—” She cut herself off, realizing what she was about to say.

  “Was going to what?” Adam stared at her, a curious look on his face.

  No way was she going to tell him she knew Doctor Lemon was a fake. “You know how she always likes to embarrass me. I wasn’t sure what she’d do on our wedding day. Thank goodness all she did was one last interview.”

  “You should relax.” He motioned for her to turn her back to him. “It’s all over now.”

  She turned, and he began kneading her shoulders. His strong, warm hands sent little electric zings through her, which she tried to ignore. The pressure he applied to her muscles felt so good, she didn’t want him to stop. “Mmm. Nice.”

  He kept going, working his way across her shoulders, up her neck and down her back. “You looked amazing today.” His breath tickled her ear, and she realized how close he was to her.

  She froze. “Um, thanks.”

  “Now, come on. I didn’t mean it like that.” He sounded annoyed at her for getting the wrong impression. “You’re all tense again.”

  “Sorry. I thought maybe you were trying to—”

  “I know what you thought.” He chuckled and continued to massage her shoulders. “Not that I wouldn’t like to seduce you. But I know your rules, and I intend to keep them.”

  She should have been happy about that statement, but for some reason she felt a little disappointed. Mentally shaking her head, she sighed. No, she did not need to be wishing for a physical relationship with Adam. That was trouble wrapped in pain. What she needed to do was hold on and wait for this to all end. “Good. Because you guys are all alike. All the physical fun with no emotional attachment.”

  He stopped mid-knead. “Is that what you think of me?” He turned her around, and when she wouldn’t meet his gaze he hooked her chin with his finger, forcing her to look in his cool, blue eyes. “You have it all wrong.”

  She blinked. What did he mean? As if he read her mind, he continued. “You think I don’t have an emotional attachment to you? You’ve got to be kidding. I’ve shared things with you I’ve never told anyone. These past few months have been…” His voice trailed off, and she found herself holding her breath, waiting for the rest of it.

  His jaw clenched, and he swallowed, his Adam’s apple bobbing. “Those things I said…I meant them.” His voice was so quiet she almost didn’t hear that last part.

  What things? What was he talking about? She tried to ask, but the words stuck in her throat.

  “When I told Doctor Lemon I loved you, I wasn’t pretending.”

  Holy cow. Did he just say that? Her mouth went dry, and she stared at him. Was he for real? This had to be a joke, right? A lame attempt at spending his wedding night doing something other than sleeping on the couch. She whacked him on the arm for the second time that night. “Shut up. You dork. You almost had me.” She laughed, but he didn’t return her smile.

  “I’m not kidding.”

  Really? He confessed his love to her for real, and she told him she thought he was joking? Called him a dork? What kind of an idiot was she? “Uh…” Oh, now she was really showing her brilliance. Why couldn’t she think of anything intelligent to say? What does a person say after showing how amazingly craptastic they are?

  He lowered his head and stared at the carpet. “I’m sorry. I should have told you. I guess I hoped you’d figure it out as we went along.”

  Silence stretched out between them. What was she supposed to say? That she had feelings for him too? That she hated the thought of splitting up and never seeing him again? If she told him how she was feeling, he would think she wanted to stay married.

  But that’s not what she wanted at all. Her career was finally taking off. She had things she wanted to do. Being married wasn’t in her plan.

  Adam lifted his gaze. “Do you not feel anything when we kiss?”

  That’s one she could answer honestly. “Of course. But that’s just hormones.”

  “What about all the time we’ve spent together? Have you not felt anything for me?”

  He might as well have shot her in the chest. A gaping hole opened up where her heart used to be. How was she supposed to answer him? She cleared her throat, hoping for a few more seconds to collect her thoughts. “Adam…” She put her hand on his knee. Big mistake. Tingles spread up her arm, and she removed it like he had stung her. “I like you. I just don’t…”

  She couldn’t do it. She couldn’t finish. It wasn’t only the fact that she would hurt him by saying it. It wasn’t true. She did love him.

  “Stop.” He stood and crossed the room, facing the window. “You don’t have to say it. I get it.”

  “No, Adam, I—”

  “Don’t. Okay?” He ran his hand through his hair. “Just leave.”

  She blinked back the tears threatening to spill down her cheeks. How had this evening gotten so messed up? She fled to the bedroom and shut the door, her hands shaking.

  A part of her wanted to go back out there. To pull Adam into her arms and tell him the truth. Another part of her couldn’t handle it, because she hadn’t allowed herself to fully accept the truth herself. She didn’t know what to do, so she crawled into bed and cried herself to sleep.

  Adam stared out the window. Dumb, dumb, dumb. Why had he done that? Things were going so well. Megan was beginning to relax. She was starting to come around, he could tell. Why had he blurted out how he felt about her?

  The minute the words were out, her invisible walls went up. She shuttered her feelings and withdrew from him. He’d scared her away.

  He was an idiot.

  He raked his hand through his hair again. There wasn’t anything else to do. He’d spilled it all, and he couldn’t take it back. Now she would run from him, and he’d be left standing with nothing but a sham o
f a marriage.

  He crossed the room and flopped down on the couch.

  There’d be no sleeping tonight.

  Megan awoke with a start. She clutched the fabric of her T-shirt. It wasn’t a dream. Adam had said he loved her, for real. That he wasn’t pretending.

  And she had rejected him.

  Her heart hammered in her chest so loud she thought the neighbors would hear. What had she done? Why had she refused to tell him how she felt?

  There was no reason she couldn’t pursue her career and stay with Adam. Why had she been so stupid?

  She flopped back on her bed and stared at the ceiling. Thoughts of Adam swirled through her mind. His face when he’d found out he would have to sing in front of people. The way he had held her when she was terrified on the climbing wall. His kiss yesterday.

  How could she leave him? She loved him. Megan let that sink into her head. She’d been in love with him this whole time. She’d just been pushing those feelings away.

  Why? Because she’d thought he was in this to trick her. So everyone would laugh at her for believing the stupid Doctor Lemon. And then the contract with ABC had come around and she’d thought he was just doing it for the hundred thousand dollars.

  A surge of emotion swelled. But he had said it was real. And the way he’d said it, he was serious. She believed him. And she loved him back.

  She swallowed the golf-ball sized lump in her throat. She had to tell him. She couldn’t let him think she’d been pretending this whole time.

  A thrill of excitement shivered through her. She would do it. Now. She had to.

  On shaking legs, she walked to the door and opened it. A blanket lay on the couch, folded neatly beside a pillow. She peeked around the corner, but the bathroom was empty.

  And that was when she noticed the note.

  Chapter 23

  Megan rushed over to the table and picked up the small folded piece of paper. Her vision blurred as she read the words.

  I’m sorry, Megan. I can’t go through with this. I will contact a lawyer for an annulment. I’m sorry if this hurts your chances to further your career. I won’t say anything to anyone. Hopefully they won’t find out. —Adam

  She rushed to the closet and threw open the doors. His clothes were gone. He’d left. She sunk to the floor and grabbed her head.


  This couldn’t mean the marriage was over. Not now. Not before she had the chance to tell him. She’d been so stupid. How could she have let him go?

  Her chest tightened, and she blinked away the tears. She had to make this right. She’d hurt him so terribly. Senselessly. Why had she been so selfish?

  Her hands shook as she brushed the moisture from her face. She could fix this. She had to. Shaking, she stood and crossed the room to pick up her cell phone. It was cold and heavy in her hands. She dialed his number and listened to it ring. No answer.

  She hung up and dialed again. Still nothing. Was he blocking her calls? Of course. He didn’t want to talk to her. What did she expect? He had basically put his heart out on a line for her. And she’d smashed it.

  If he wouldn’t take her calls, then the only thing left to do was go home and talk to him in person.

  The noises of the airport were making Adam’s head pound. He hadn’t slept at all last night. His wedding night. He drew in a deep breath and let it out slowly. This was not how he planned to spend his honeymoon.

  He’d been hoping the time alone with Megan would be enough to show her how he really felt. The plan had been to ease her into the idea of them staying married. He’d really screwed that up. Handled it like a fool.

  He expelled another breath. Maybe this was for the best. Megan didn’t love him. Even if they’d had a wonderful honeymoon together, that wouldn’t have changed her feelings for him. If she didn’t have those feelings now, nothing he could do would force it upon her.

  Leaving was his only choice. He knew that now. He couldn’t stand to pretend to be married to her, pining after something he could never have, while she broke his heart every time she looked at him. Getting away from her was the only solution.

  A woman brushed by him then stopped and turned. “You’re Adam Warner.” Her eyes grew wide. “I just loved your show. And your live wedding…it was so romantic.” Her gaze traveled over the terminal. “Are you and Megan leaving so soon? I thought you were honeymooning here.”

  What was he supposed to say to that? He one-shoulder shrugged. “We decided to go somewhere else. More privacy.” He winked, and the woman blushed.

  “Oh, that makes perfect sense.” She looked around again. “Tell Megan I hope you enjoy your honeymoon.”

  His stomach soured. “Of course.” The woman bustled away and got lost in the crowd. He hoped that wouldn’t happen again. He wasn’t sure he could continue to keep this up.

  They announced his flight was boarding, and he stood and dragged his carry on up to the desk. The man ahead of him must have been a heavy smoker, because the smell of tobacco and stale smoke hung thick in the air.

  He had two weeks off for his honeymoon, and he didn’t plan on returning home. The ticket in his hand said LA. Adam’s plan was to meet with his agent and go over some of the opportunities that had come his way since the show had aired and become so popular. After finding another job, he would turn in his resignation at KLKX. He couldn’t keep doing the morning show with Megan. It would be too painful.

  Even though the thought of moving on was appealing, he couldn’t get his heart into it. He’d miss working at the small town station. The wacky banter with Megan. The way she put him in his place. He shook his head. Getting over Megan was going to take a while. He handed his paper to the boarding agent and entered the jet way.

  The thing that he didn’t understand was how Megan couldn’t have any feelings for him. He was sure she was attracted to him. How could she not be, when she responded to his kisses like she had?

  Frustration overwhelmed him as he plopped down in his seat. It wasn’t worth rehashing again and again in his mind. She didn’t want him. She’d only been acting.

  He had to let it go.

  When Megan finally stepped off the airplane at the Omaha airport, it was late and she was exhausted. A few people turned their heads and whispered behind their hands, but no one approached her. She wondered what they thought, her being alone the day after her wedding aired.

  She picked up her luggage and headed for the car rental counter. She’d been carted around so much lately, it was going to be different driving herself around. Her car was parked at her apartment. Seemed like a lifetime since she’d been behind her grandmother’s old Accord. Even though she could afford a new car now, something told her she wouldn’t be trading it in anytime soon.

  By the time she arrived home, it was too late to go see Adam. She let herself in her apartment and dragged in her suitcases. She’d go see him first thing in the morning.

  Sleep evaded her, and she ended up tossing and turning all night. Why hadn’t she just taken the time to process her feelings earlier? Why had she reacted the way she had when he told her he loved her? She rolled over again. She had to talk to him.

  When sunlight finally came through her window, she was ready. A quick shower and some make up, and she was out the door.

  It didn’t take long to drive to Adam’s house. The porch still sagged, and paint was still peeling off the sides of the house. No dog bounded up to meet her this time. The house stood still, no sign of life. Was he not back yet?

  She climbed the steps and looked in the window. She couldn’t see much. She knocked on the door. No response. Where was Adam? She waited for another minute before pounding again. “Adam, open the door!”

  “He’s not here.”

  The small voice behind her startled her and she jumped, turning around. A young boy stood in the driveway, one strap of his coveralls sliding down his arm. “He’s gone.”

  Megan put her hand to her chest. “You scared me. Where did you come from?”r />
  The boy pointed. “I live over there.”

  “Ah, I see. Where did Adam go?”

  The boy shrugged. “My mom said he’s on a moneynoon and won’t be back for a while.”

  The mispronunciation made her smile. “I see.”

  “But don’t worry, moneynoon’s don’t hurt. I asked.” The little boy beamed up at her.

  She wasn’t so sure that was true. “Thanks.”

  Megan left Adam’s house, frustrated and broken. She tried his cell again, with no luck. She refused to leave him a message. There was no way she was going to tell him she loved him in a voice mail, let alone a text. She needed a different plan.

  And then it hit her. She still had some shows with Adam scheduled in. After the wedding appearances. Adam couldn’t skip them. They were in the contract.

  If she could get Leon to work something out, she could come clean in a way that Adam couldn’t ignore. She picked up her phone. The seconds ticked by as she waited for Leon to answer his line, her heart pounding. If he would go for this, he might get the biggest publicity stunt yet. He answered with a quick hello.

  “Leon, it’s Megan. Listen, something happened.”


  She chewed her bottom lip. “Um, Adam left. Said he was done.”

  “Whoa, we’ve still got a few more shows lined up for you two. He can’t quit now.” The panic in his voice was evident.

  “I know. But I have an idea.”

  “Wait.” Leon paused, apparently thinking of what he could do to salvage the situation. “What if you guys stage a fight? Something explosive. On air! That would—”

  “Leon!” She took a deep breath. “I don’t want to stage a fight. I want to come clean.”