Love, Snow and Mistletoe: Four Sweet Christmas Romance Novellas Read online

Page 22

  She sat in a large waiting room filled with art and sculptures. She recognized a couple of them which spoke to the quality of the art—she wasn’t much of an art aficionado. She stared at a particularly lovely painting across from her cozy chair while she waited, absorbed in the colors and lines that the artist used.

  “He’s ready for you now, Ms. James.” The administrative assistant that had asked her to wait when she got there was standing in front of the large opposing door at the end of the room and held it open for Aurelia. She got up and stepped into the office of Craig Burnald. He looked just like his picture and sat behind a large desk, his laptop open and his fingers flitting across the keys.

  When he saw her enter the room, he stood and bowed his head slightly in acknowledgement of her presence. “Ms. James, I presume?” His voice was sweet, like his face. His gray suit fit well and his blue tie made his eyes more noticeable. He looked like a sweet man. Looks could be deceiving.

  She nodded to him as well and sat in front of his desk. “Mr. Burnald, I was surprised to see your profile on my desk. It seems like I would have heard from a well-connected man such as yourself long before now. There are very few people in New York of such high standing that I have not at least been introduced to.” She ran her fingers through her hair, trying to think of how to get him to admit being married.

  He cleared his throat and stood up. “I must admit, I am not actually a single man. I have been married for just over five years now.”

  Her jaw dropped open. She didn’t expect him to be so forthcoming about his indiscretion.

  “I’m sure that’s why you’re here, isn’t it?” he asked her confidently.

  She nodded, closing her mouth and trying to look confident even though she was shaken. “I found out on the second background check. I’m not really sure why the first one didn’t catch it. I’m going to be checking into that myself.”

  He put his hands behind his back and clasped them together while he spoke. “What you don’t know, is my motive.”

  “I would assume you wish to divorce your wife?”

  Craig shook his head firmly. “No, I do not. I wish to stay with her. I do, however, have a proposition for you.”

  Aurelia reeled at the words coming out of this man’s mouth. Did he really think that she would bargain with him to find him a girlfriend on the side? How unethical did he think she was? “I hardly…”

  She didn’t get another word out before Craig held his hand up and began to speak again. “Please, just hear me out.”

  She felt sick to her stomach at his words. This man created a bad name for all married men and she wouldn’t stand for it. Feeling angry, but also still a professional, she kept her mouth shut so he could speak his peace. As soon as he was finished she would make sure he knew what kind of man she thought he was.

  He walked over to the door and opened it, then spoke in a loud voice. “I needed to get you here so you could talk to my friend. I want you to give him a chance. He runs this company with me. As such, he is extremely picky with whom he chooses to associate with. Most women only want to date him due to his wealth. Since you have your own wealth, I doubt that would ever be a motivator for you. Still, I would ask that you listen.”

  A wealthy man who ran a company in New York City wanted to talk to her? Why didn’t he just go through the normal channels to obtain her matchmaking services? She was so baffled by what he said that she didn’t notice Lander standing on the other side of the door, at first. When she saw him, her jaw fell open again and she stood, suddenly wanting to leave and forgetting to tell off the man that lied to her about his marital status. She had been dreaming about seeing Lander, but now that he stood before her she didn’t know what to do.

  “Aurelia, I had to see you,” Lander said quietly. His green eyes drew her in and she had a hard time looking away.

  Craig slipped out of the room, closing the door behind him, leaving the two alone.

  She looked stunning. Aurelia stood before him in a red shirt that cut asymmetrically across her collarbone and a knee-length black skirt. She also looked extremely irritated. He hoped this would go well, but there was a chance she would leave this office and never talk to him again. He had to take that chance.

  “What was all of this? A set up?” Aurelia’s voice had an edge to it that he didn’t like.

  He stepped in closer to her, an arm’s reach away. He could smell her intoxicating perfume. “Just hear me out, please.” He waited for her approval, not wanting her to feel like she had no say in the matter.

  She nodded to him with her eyes narrowed and took a small step back away from him. He didn’t step any closer, hoping that by the end of the speech he had thought about for days now, she would want him closer. “I tried to call in to your work, but I couldn’t get past your personal assistant, Valerie. She assured me that you were too busy to talk to anyone and that you were refusing any calls of a personal nature. But I had to see you. It’s been torturous being within eyesight of you and yet not being able to talk to you about how I’m feeling.” He gulped, and almost stopped talking. He hated discussing his feelings. Half the time he wasn’t even aware of them unless they were oppressive or distinctly sharp emotions.

  Something in her eye made him want to finish what he had to say. A softness. She bit the corner of her lip and her eyes fixed on his face. He automatically took a small step closer and this time, she didn’t move. It seemed like she leaned a bit closer to him. He took courage in her response and continued. “Aurelia, I know that we didn’t talk to each other for a long time, but I think that was a mistake. I don’t regret anything, but I wish we had stayed in contact with each other. The week we got to spend together in Montana was amazing and I don’t know if you felt it too, but I haven’t stopped thinking about you since then. I want to be with you, Aurelia James. You are the most beautiful woman I know. You make me laugh. When you’re gone, my days feel empty. I don’t want to go another second without you.”

  Shock tore through Aurelia at the sudden emotional proclamation. Lander Perry, the boy she grew up with was proclaiming his love for her. Warmth spread from the region near her throat all the way through her belly and down to the tips of her toes. Elation.

  He stood there, his beautiful bright eyes staring at her in anticipation. He wanted her to respond, but she found the words stuck in her throat. He took a step closer to her and she swore if he moved any closer, electricity would start to sizzle between the two of them. The feelings between them felt like a thunderstorm starting to roll through a dry desert plain.

  His lips were close enough to hers that she felt his hot breath against her and she could smell his cologne—something subtle and enticing with a hint of sandalwood. “Lander, I’m not sure…” she began, but before she could get any more words out, his lips were on hers. There was only heat and electricity between them. Her breath caught in her chest and her mind was fuzzy. His arms found their way around her waist and her hands tangled in his hair, almost of their own accord. She sighed into the kiss, melting into his embrace.

  “Have dinner with me, Aurelia?” He whispered in her ear. His voice was husky and heavy with emotion.

  Aurelia couldn’t find her voice, so she just nodded. She kissed him this time, more timid and slowly than he had. She pulled back away from him to clear her head for a moment. Lander Perry, her best friend, liked her. What’s more—she liked him back.


  One year later…

  Lander traced his finger up and down Aurelia’s skin as she curled up against him under the warm blanket. The fire crackled merrily, heating the living room and staving off the chill. Aurelia sighed contentedly and took a sip of the rich cocoa in her mug.

  “I could stay like this forever,” Aurelia whispered.

  Lander continued to rub his fingers up and down her arm and looked at her with a smile on his face. “This is definitely the best Christmas I’ve ever had, but I know something that would make it even better.”
/>   Aurelia perked up, her spine straight. She felt a flood of excitement wash over her. Lander was the best at giving presents, and that was the only thing that would make today any better. “What did you get me?”

  Lander laughed at her obvious enthusiasm and took her hand in his. He got down on one knee, looking at her with his brilliant green eyes. Aurelias heart began to flutter and she felt tingles moving up and down her arms and legs. She couldn’t believe that this was actually happening.

  “The past year with you has been the best year of my life. You are brilliant, beautiful and the best part of every day. Aurelia James, will you do me the honor of becoming my partner in crime for the rest of my life?”

  He slipped a small white box out of his pocket and slowly opened it to reveal a dazzling princess cut ring with roses entwined around the band. Aurelia couldn’t breathe as her heart pounded in her chest.

  Aurelia took the ring and placed it on her finger, putting her hand gently against Lander’s neck and kneeling on the carpet with him. “Of course, I will.”

  He grabbed her arm and pulled her in for a kiss, entwining his fingers in her hair and wrapping one arm around her waist. She was engulfed in his scent, his presence and an overwhelming feeling of love and passion.

  “I love you,” he whispered in her ear.

  She couldn’t help the sweet smile that spread across her face. “I love you, too, Lander,” her fingers interlaced with his. “You’re my perfect match.”

  Also By Annie Houston

  Waiting For Patience

  Patience has all but given up on life after her husband's death until she finds a mysterious man, shot in the chest and unconscious. Gabriel, the handsome cowboy, shows her that life isn't over when you lose love; you just have to find it again. He ignites her passion for life, but will the dark secrets of his own past prevent them both from moving forward?

  The Marriage Scheme

  Hannah Baird doesn’t have time for distractions. Wanting to please her sick mother, she pays a man to pretend to be her boyfriend for Thanksgiving dinner. All she wanted was a date, but she ended up with a fiancé. What will she do when her mother is expecting a wedding and Hannah doesn’t want to let her down?

  And coming soon:

  Melting Snowflakes: How to Raise Emotionally Intelligent, Self-Sufficient Tiny Humans

  About the Author

  Annie Houston is the author of clean fiction and romance. Hailing from the great state of Texas, Annie enjoys cooking anything and everything, playing outside with her five kids and of course Star Trek. Her romantic husband inspires some of the scenes in her books due, in part, to his romantic nature. As a believer, faith in God guides her writing and is a part of her everyday life.