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Her Big Fat Dreamy Billionaire Ex (Billionaire Series Book 4) Page 2
Her Big Fat Dreamy Billionaire Ex (Billionaire Series Book 4) Read online
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A shadow crossed over him and he peeked at who had disturbed him. Grams. She sat cross-legged beside him. “How are you doing?”
He wanted to snap at her, ask her how she thought he was doing, but guilt made him bite his tongue. Despite what she’d done, he loved his grandmother. He couldn’t imagine life without her. He rubbed Mabel’s head. “I never expected to see her again.”
“I know,” Grams said. “But it’s time.”
He sat up and Mabel jumped off him. “Time? For what? We’re not getting back together, if that’s what your brain has concocted.”
Grams sat silent.
“You need to talk to her.”
Grams was delusional. “Whatever for? She left. She’s the one who wouldn’t take any of my phone calls, remember? She broke off all contact. And now that it’s been five years, what in the world would I want to talk to her about?”
A breeze blew, and Grams took in a deep breath. “You’ll know when the time comes.”
“The time for talking is long gone.” Aiden picked up a seashell and turned it over in his hand. The shell was cracked and looked like it would break in half if given the slightest pressure.
“In her mind, she was stood up at her own wedding,” Grams said quietly.
“I know, but if she had only listened, I would have explained everything. But no, she was too pig-headed to even talk to me.” He closed his hand around the shell and squeezed. It cracked. For some reason, that was satisfying to him.
“You hurt her deeply.”
“And how deeply did she hurt me, refusing to even talk to me? She destroyed me, Grams.” Pain shot through his palm, and he realized he was still squeezing the shell. He opened his hand and dropped the broken bits of white onto the sand. A quick check told him he hadn’t broken his skin.
“You were both hurt. But time heals those wounds. And talking it out will be healthy.” She reached out and took his chin, forcing him to look at her. “For both of you.”
Aiden sighed. His grandmother was not going to give up on this, he was sure of it. Maybe if he agreed to talk to Felicity, she’d get off his back. He knew it wouldn’t resolve anything, but Grams obviously wanted him to. He’d do it for her. “Fine. I’ll talk to her.”
Grams patted his shoulder. “I know you will.”
“But, let me do it in my own time, okay? I don’t want you imposing anything.”
Grams opened her mouth in mock shock. “Me?”
He chuckled. “Yes, you.”
She looked out at the ocean waves. “I wouldn’t dream of imposing anything upon you.” She stood and brushed off her outfit. “I’ve reserved us a table at the restaurant for six o’clock tonight. You can brood out here for a while, but I want you all done by the time we go to eat.”
Grams didn’t wait for him to respond. She left him sitting there in the sand. Aiden just shook his head. He was up against a formidable opponent. But two could play this game. He said he’d talk with Felicity, but he didn’t say when.
He’d just avoid Felicity until the week was up. Then he’d have a quick conversation with her, and it would be over.
Mabel barked at him until he stood up. “Come on, girl. Let’s go find a better stick.”
As he walked, he felt good about his plan. The trick would be keeping Grams from concocting her own plans.
FELICITY OPENED THE door to her villa and took in a breath. The house was amazing, with floor-to-ceiling windows in the living room, and a stone fireplace in front of a cozy looking couch. A small kitchen with a window facing the tree-lined path was off to the left. There was a Jacuzzi in the bathroom, and the bed looked so comfortable she almost stopped to take a nap. Instead, she opened her suitcases and started unpacking. She almost had everything put away when a knock came on her door.
Who could that be? She walked into the living room and found a messenger at her door. “For you, ma’am.” The man handed her a note.
“Thank you.”
She unfolded it and read it.
I would be delighted if you could join me for dinner tonight. Please meet me at the restaurant at six. I’ll have a table reserved.
Dinner with Grams sounded wonderful, Felicity thought as she folded the note and slid it into her back pocket. This trip wouldn’t be ruined by Aiden. She was determined to enjoy her stay, and just avoid him. It was a large resort. They could both be there without running into each other all the time.
Felicity pulled out her phone and logged into the Wi-fi. Then she posted a message to her favorite Facebook group, GirlsRock. It was formed by her best friend, Amy. All the girls she hung out with in high school were in the group.
You won’t believe what happened. I arrived in Belize only to find out Aiden owns this resort! I almost died when I saw him. Actually, he almost died. He walked right into a signpost.
Amy posted an answer right away.
For real? I can’t believe that! What are you going to do?
I’m just going to avoid him and take the photos I’m hired to.
Several of the other girls posted comments. Felicity chatted for a few moments before logging off. It was fun to talk to Amy, but she had a job to do. Plus, who sat indoors on their phone when they were on a beach in Belize?
She stuffed her phone in her pocket and grabbed her camera. The afternoon sun warmed her as she walked around the villa for a while, taking preliminary photos and making plans for what she would photograph in the morning light. Her stomach growled and she looked at the clock. Time to get ready for dinner.
She wanted to get out of her travel clothes and take a shower, so she rummaged through the closet, looking for something that wasn’t too badly wrinkled. She settled on a pencil skirt and blouse.
The shower felt lovely, and soon she was dressed and ready to leave. She grabbed her camera and her purse and left her villa. The early evening breeze carried the salty smell of the sea. Her legs enjoyed the stretch as she walked and took more photos along the way. When she got to the restaurant, she told them she was meeting Phoebe.
“Yes, miss, right this way.” The man grabbed a menu, and she followed through the maze of tables and booths. When they stopped, she almost swallowed her tongue. Aiden sat at the table with Phoebe, and he looked amazing in a white dress shirt.
She blinked. What was he doing at the table? She’d gotten the impression it would be just her and Phoebe, and from the frown on his face, she realized Aiden had the same thoughts running through his head as well.
Phoebe was matchmaking again. Great.
Felicity sat down and gave Grams a tight smile.
The man who seated her handed her a menu. “Someone will be by shortly to take your drink orders.”
“Thank you,” Phoebe said.
Aiden gave Grams a stilted look. “When you invited me to dinner, I thought it would just be you and me, Grams.”
Wow. Rude, much? Felicity stiffened. “I was under the same impression.”
Grams gave them both a wide-eyed look. “Really? I wonder why.” She picked up her water glass and took a sip.
After they’d given their drink orders to the waitress, Gram’s phone went off. It sounded like an alarm. She looked at it then sighed. “I’m sorry, I have to go. You two stay and eat.”
Before either one of them could object, Grams bolted. Felicity glanced at Aiden, who was scowling at Gram’s retreating back.
Nice. This evening was turning out to be great.
Chapter 3
Aiden couldn’t believe Grams. The woman was insane. He watched her skitter out of the restaurant. Man, she was spry for her age. He turned his attention back to the table. Felicity looked like she’d just swallowed a pair of sweat socks. Aiden thought about leaving too but knew Grams would get on his case about it later. It looked like she was going to get her way after all. He decided to make light of it. “I think we’ve been set up.” He gave her what he hoped was a smile, and not a grimace.
sp; “Yeah, looks like it.”
He let out a sigh and smoothed the napkin over his lap. He was stuck having dinner with Felicity, so they might as well make the best of it. “I’m sorry about Grams. She thinks we need to talk.”
“I can tell, with her not-so-subtle way of pushing us together.” Felicity glanced toward the door, probably wishing she could leave.
“I have an idea.” Aiden leaned closer. “Let’s outwit her.”
Felicity raised one eyebrow. “I’m listening.”
“She obviously wants us to spend time together.” He held his hands out to her in a surrender gesture. “So, let’s have dinner. If we agree not to talk about the past, then maybe it can even be a little enjoyable. She’ll get what she wants, and we’ll get a nice meal out of it. Then, maybe, she’ll leave us alone.”
Felicity slowly nodded. “I could do that.”
“Good.” Aiden relaxed. He could ignore the stabbing pain in his chest for one evening with Felicity. They could avoid any hot topics. And Grams would be happy.
He sat back in his chair and fiddled with the silverware. “So, how have you been?”
“Fine.” She said it fast, like she was throwing it at him in a game of word hot-potato.
“You’re taking pictures full-time now?”
She nodded and picked up her glass. “Yes, my photography business takes up all my time.”
An awkward silence settled in while they took turns drinking their water and looking at their menus. When the waitress came to take their orders, he smiled with relief at the distraction. But, too soon, they were done ordering and the waitress took their menus. They were back to the awkward silence.
Aiden straightened, determined to get through this without too much pain. “You look nice.” That actually was an understatement. She could have walked off a runway. Her blonde curls cascaded over her shoulders. She had a softness about her, but she held a certain grace. Of course, Felicity always had been that way, stylish and classy. She would blush when he’d comment on how beautiful she was, but it was true. She was gorgeous.
“Thanks,” she said, glancing down at the table. “You look nice too.”
Grams had given him a hard time about the shirt he wanted to wear. He should have suspected something was up. “Yeah, Grams made me wear this.”
Laughter bubbled out of Felicity, and Aiden couldn’t help but join in. “Like, she laid out your clothes for you?”
“No. She just complained about my T-shirt until I agreed to dress up a little.”
“You should have suspected something.”
“I realize that now.”
It was clear Felicity was trying not to smile at him. “This is a bit crazy, isn’t it?”
“What do you mean?”
“Us, here. I mean, Grams went to a lot of work to arrange this.”
He tucked his chin. “I guess she thought we’d never talk to each other again if she didn’t do something drastic.” When Felicity was silent for a moment, he decided to change the subject. They were too close to talking about the past. “I saw the website Grams wants. I have to admit, it will be better than what we have now.”
Felicity nodded and put her hands in her lap. “Yes. I like the theme. I’m looking forward to taking some photos tomorrow morning when the sun is coming up.”
“Sunrises are gorgeous here. My favorite place to watch them is on the deck of my villa. Since my villa is built up a little higher, you can see out farther.”
Felicity seemed to stiffen, so he quickly inserted, “Not that I’m inviting you to stay at my villa tonight.” He wanted to smack himself in the head. What did he just say? Why did that come out of his mouth?
Felicity raised her eyebrows at him but didn’t say anything. She picked up her water and took a long drink. Luckily, their food arrived and they occupied themselves by eating instead of talking.
He tried to think of something to say that wouldn’t bring them back to the past, but nothing intelligent came to mind. In the end, he settled on, “Seen any good movies lately?”
“No.” Felicity gave him a lame smile. “Sorry. I don’t go to the movies much. It’s no fun...by myself.” She said the last two words quietly.
“Oh.” Aiden stuck his fork in his noodles. That was dumb. He really didn’t go to the movies anyway, so why he even asked that was beyond him. He shoved food around his plate for a minute. “How do you like living in Texas?” The second the words left his lips, he regretted asking.
Felicity’s gaze turned cold. “You’ve been checking up on me?”
“No,” he quickly said. “I just heard you were living...there...” He let his voice trail off. Why had he mentioned where she lived? Dumb. He would look like a creepy Internet stalker. He wasn’t that at all. He was simply curious what she’d been up to.
She softened. “I like Texas. The people are friendly.”
“Very different from Chicago.”
“So is this.”
She had him there. He supposed they both had run away to rid themselves of the memories they shared. “Right.”
They both went back to playing with their food. Felicity shifted in her chair. “When did you get a dog?”
“About five years ago. Grams got her for me after...” Crud. There they were again talking about the past. He finished with a lame, “You know.”
She stuck a forkful of fish in her mouth and looked at the sconce on the wall. Her way of shutting him out, apparently.
“This isn’t going well, is it?” He picked up his napkin and wiped his mouth.
“I’m sorry. Maybe we have too much baggage to try to do this.” She gave him a pity smile.
The words pricked at his chest. He set his napkin on the table. “Maybe you’re right.” He motioned to her plate. “Are you done?”
They stood and awkwardly stared at each other before Felicity turned and started toward the door. He joined her. As they walked, he put his hand on the small of her back out of habit, and a flood of memories came rushing back to him, along with an attraction that almost knocked him down. It zinged up his arm and he pulled his hand quickly away.
When they got outside, Felicity turned to him. “I’m sorry...for everything.”
Aiden still reeled from the brief physical contact. He wanted to touch her again. Wanted to pull her close and breathe in the scent of her hair. But he couldn’t. “I know.” He swallowed and stuffed his hands in his pockets. “Me too.”
Neither of them spoke for a moment as the sounds of the night filled the air. A light breeze blew a strand of her hair into her face. Without thinking, he reached out and tucked it behind her ear. He should have kept his hand in his pocket. Even the briefest contact with her skin sent electricity through him. He should have moved his hand away, but instead, he allowed his thumb to brush over her cheek. The memory of the last time he’d kissed her surfaced. They had been standing in the moonlight. Like tonight. She stared up at him, her deep brown eyes silently pleading with him.
He removed his hand and swallowed back the emotions surging in him. He couldn’t touch her. He couldn’t let his heart fall back in love with Felicity. She broke it once. A second time and he wouldn’t live through it.
“Good night, Felicity,” he said, his voice hoarse.
“Bye,” she whispered.
He watched her walk down the path until the night swallowed her up.
Chapter 4
Felicity’s fingers trembled as she slid her key card and entered the villa. All Aiden had done was touch her cheek, briefly at that, and it had sent her heart into a frenzy. Her senses came alive. It threw her right back to five years ago, when she couldn’t imagine loving anyone more than she loved Aiden.
They were high school sweethearts. The couple everyone expected to get married, have babies and live happily ever after. Aiden was so charming, and all the girls in high school fell under his spell. But he didn’t have eyes for anyone but Felicity. Her chee
ks heated as she remembered the way he’d asked her to the dance.
She’d opened her locker to find about a thousand paper hearts had been stuffed in through the vents. They came spilling out and onto the floor. Each one said, “Will you go out with me?” Each one was signed with his name.
He’d appeared moments later to help her pick them up. His infectious grin was too much. She’d agreed to go to the spring dance with him. All her girlfriends were jealous, except for Amy. She understood. She could see they were meant to be together.
Felicity shook her head. Why was she dwelling on the past? Why was she even staying in Belize? If she knew what was good for her, she’d pack her bags and leave on the next flight out of there. She didn’t need this heartache.
An envelope on the floor caught her attention. Someone must have slid it under her door. She picked it up and opened it. A ticket for a riverboat excursion was inside, along with a note from Grams.
This is an all-day excursion. It includes lunch. Wear comfortable shoes. Love, Phoebe
Felicity walked into the kitchen and set the ticket on the counter. Yes. This is what she needed. She’d spend the day away from the resort. Away from Aiden and all the baggage he brought up. She could get some amazing photos and enjoy the day without the stress of worrying she’d bump into him.
Rolling her shoulders, she tried to get rid of the stress of the evening. It felt oppressive. Maybe what she needed was a walk on the beach to calm herself.
She slipped off her shoes and slid the patio door open. The night air felt good on her skin as she walked down the grassy slope to the beach. The sand was soft and powdery. She walked closer to the water, enjoying the rushing sound of the waves. Just knowing she’d be away tomorrow helped to relax her.
Pulling out her phone, she took a quick picture of the moon reflecting off the ocean water. With a few clicks, she posted it to her GirlsRock Facebook group. She typed a little message to go with it.
Wishing you were here.
Right away someone responded.