Accidentally Married Page 2
“Darlene threatens to quit three times a week. Never actually follows through.”
Anger festered in her like an ulcer. Jared had no intention of hiring her. “I guess there’s no position for me at your company.” The words came out clipped.
Jared stopped laughing and grew serious. “I said maybe. I didn’t say yes.”
Madison clenched her fists, her fingernails digging into her skin. “And because you wanted me to pretend to be your girlfriend, you lied.”
“You’re overreacting.”
Maybe she was. But he had lied, and she wasn’t going to let him get away with it. “You knew I wanted a job.”
“I’m giving you a job. What’s the matter with you?”
The condescending way he said it made her blood boil. He had manipulated her into doing this. She suddenly felt cheap. Used. And cruising down the interstate miles away from home, there was nothing she could do about it.
She folded her arms across her chest and glared at him. If he wanted her to play a part for his family, she sure would.
But maybe not the refined girlfriend he was hoping for.
Chapter 2
Jared’s stomach tightened as he drove down the winding street to his childhood home. Being in Highland Falls always brought back the painful past. He never seemed to move beyond it.
Madison sat with her hands folded in her lap, silently staring out the window. Her blonde hair brushed her shoulders. Her legs, long and shapely, crossed at the ankles. She was going to be perfect. She really fit the part. If only she hadn’t worn a cheap business suit.
He shook his head. It didn’t matter. His family wouldn’t think much of it. They’d probably assume she came right from work.
The twisty street threaded past large homes with lush green lawns. This was country club territory, the kind of people who cared about appearances and kept their problems locked safely away in the liquor cabinet.
He pulled into the long circular driveway and stopped the car. As soon as he cut the engine, Madison hopped out. He hurried around to her side. “You should have let me open your door.”
Madison frowned. “Why?”
“It’s the proper thing to do.”
“Then why didn’t you open my car door in the parking garage? Or is it only the proper thing to do when someone might be watching?”
He rolled his eyes and started up the sidewalk. No use in arguing with her. She was a temp. Someone to play a part to ease the constant hounding. And he was pretty sure no one was at the window.
They approached his father’s sandstone house. Not quite large enough to be called a mansion, and yet pretentious enough to impress the Joneses. A stone lion sat on either side of the concrete stairs. They always made Jared feel like he lived at a library.
He pressed the bell and Irene, his father’s wife of the month, opened the door. Her long black hair was pulled back in a bun, a couple of chopsticks sticking out of it. She wore a tank top and capris.
“Jared!” She donned her fake smile and ushered them inside. “Please come in.”
“Madison, this is my stepmother, Irene. Irene, this is Madison.”
Madison whacked him in the chest. “Stepmother? Get out! I thought she was your sister.”
He stared at her. What was she doing? But the comment obviously pleased Irene, for she laughed her little twitter of a giggle and took Madison into an embrace.
“Aren’t you a dear? Come meet the rest of the family. They’re already here.”
Of course. She had to get a little dig in that he was late. He clenched his jaw and followed her through the kitchen to the family room.
When they entered, everyone stopped talking and turned to stare. His gaze landed on Shelly, his aunt, who had been the only constant mother figure in his life since his mother died. Her unnaturally pale face made it obvious her condition was taking a toll on her. His chest squeezed. She was the only reason he came to family events. How many more would she be around for?
Irene put her arm around Madison. “Everyone, this is Madison, Jared’s girlfriend.” She pointed around the room. “That’s Mark, Zachary, and Patricia, Shelly, and of course, Maxwell, Jared’s father. But don’t worry about remembering names, you’ll pick it up. Would you like to sit down while I get you something to drink?”
Madison looked at Jared sideways, and for a second he saw something gleam in her eye. Something almost devilish. Then it vanished. She faced Irene and smiled. “I’d love a drink. Do you have any vodka?”
Jared’s mouth went dry. Was she nuts? He stared at her bright grin and realization crashed down on him. This was on purpose. Payback for saying there might be a position open at his company.
This was going to be a long day.
Irene laughed again. “We have ice water, Coke and tea.”
“Coke is fine, although if you dump a little vodka in it I won’t be disappointed.” She winked at Irene and took the three steps down into the family room. She plopped down on the sectional and patted the seat next to her. “Come on, sweetie.”
All eyes turned to him. After he hugged Shelly and said a quick ‘happy birthday’ to his father, he sat beside her.
Patricia, his cousin, smiled at him. Her blonde hair was cut in a pixie style, much shorter than the last time he’d seen her. “We’re so happy you came, Jared. And it’s nice to meet your girlfriend.”
“I’m glad Jared brought me. I mean, I’ll bet you were all starting to think Jared here made me up.” Madison slapped him on the leg.
Everyone laughed as heat rose to his face. He pushed down the urge to fire off a retort. She was baiting him. Trying to get under his skin. Instead, he focused on his family. Patricia and Zachary were getting really chummy. She was practically sitting on his lap. It wouldn’t be long before they were making an announcement. Luckily, his father seemed to be the only one in the family with the propensity to exchange his spouse for a new model each year. He’d lost count as to how many ex-wives his father had. His mother was the only one who mattered to him, and she’d died long ago.
Patricia leaned forward. “Tell us about yourself, Madison. Jared’s been so evasive.”
Madison patted Jared on the leg. “He’s so cute. He doesn’t like to talk about himself.”
Mark snorted. “He doesn’t like to talk at all.”
His half-brother from wife number three, Mark had never grown close to Jared. Most of Jared’s time growing up was spent with his cousin, Patricia. The only time he saw Mark was for a few weeks each summer.
Patricia threw a dirty look at Mark. “What do you do, Madison?”
“I’m an actress.” She glanced at Jared, probably to gauge his reaction. He kept his face straight, intent on not giving her what she wanted.
“That’s so cool. Have you been in any movies?” Patricia’s eyes glinted. She was the kind of person who liked everyone, and they all liked her. Perpetually happy, that’s what he used to call her.
“I was an extra in Big Fat Liar.”
The comment caught him off guard and he coughed. He had to admit, she was quick on her feet. If her barbs weren’t pointed at him, he might enjoy her wit.
“And I played the administrative assistant in The Sixteenth Floor.”
Patricia’s eyes widened. “The movie that came out last year? Are you serious?”
Madison nodded. “It was a small part, but I did have a short speaking line.”
“Get out of here. Now I have to watch it again.”
“I have the DVD,” his father said, reaching behind to the cabinet.
Patricia clapped her hands together. “Oh, let’s watch your scene. Shall we?”
“I’m about twenty minutes into the movie.” She appeared to be enjoying the attention.
He leaned over and whispered in her ear. “Wait, you really were in The Sixteenth Floor?”
She glared at him. “Yes. What did you think, I was going to lie about it?”
He shrugged and let it go. The family members crowded around to see the television screen while his father inserted the disc. Irene entered the room, handed Madison a Coke, and sat next to his father.
Everyone seemed impressed with her part, even though she was only on camera for a few seconds. “Nice,” Mark said, which was high praise coming from him. Even Jared reluctantly agreed she looked good on camera.
Zachary put his arm around Patricia. “How did you two meet?”
Madison gave Jared a sideways glance, the corner of her mouth curled up, and he knew something terrible was coming. Time slowed down. The hairs on the back of his neck stood. It was like he was watching two cars heading for each other and had no power to stop either one. The only thing he could do was watch the crash happen.
Madison smiled at Zachary. “I’m so glad you asked. This is a great story.”
Thinking maybe he could save himself from the wreck, he jumped in. “We met at the opera.”
“Yes,” she said, and her smile widened. “In the women’s bathroom.”
A few mouths dropped open and Mark choked on his soda. Jared knew he had to salvage this quickly. “Well, not really inside the women’s bathroom. We met in the hallway.”
She patted him on the leg. “Jared here doesn’t quite remember, since he was a bit tipsy at the time, but it definitely was inside the women’s restroom. He came stumbling in and ran right into me. Of course, I was startled to say the least, I mean, a man in the women’s bathroom! But he looked so cute with a little bit of drool running down his chin—”
“I was not slobbering drunk.” He didn’t mean to yell, but it came out a bit loud. Heat crept up his neck, and he loosened his tie.
“Oh, no, dear. I said tipsy. Anyway, I helped him out to his car, and we got to talking. Turns out he needed an administrative assistant at Jameson Technologies so he hired me on the spot.”
Was she trying to blackmail him into a job? She had some nerve.
There was no way he was going to spend another second with her after today, much less hire her for anything. He shifted in his seat. “Unfortunately, she couldn’t do the job well enough, so I had to fire her.”
Patricia drew in a sharp breath, and everyone stared at him like he confessed to eating children for breakfast.
Madison glared at him. “But he did offer me a second job—”
“Which she refused, of course, since I had just fired her. She holds grudges. Big, big grudges.”
“And don’t you think I deserved to hold a grudge after being treated like that?” Her cheeks were flushed, and her back straight.
He put his arm around her. “Of course, everything was smoothed over after we started dating and fell for each other. The end. That’s how we met.” He pasted on a smile and she mimicked the expression.
Patricia’s eyes were about as big as he’d ever seen them. “Wow, I can’t believe you agreed to go out with him after what he did.”
“It didn’t happen right away. He kept asking, begging really, and I kept saying no. Then one day he came to my apartment and serenaded me from outside on the lawn.”
Begging? Serenading? Jared couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Shelly put a proud smile on her face that seemed to say, I knew you were romantic deep inside.
Patricia put her hand over her heart. “Awe, that’s the sweetest thing I’ve ever heard Jared doing. In fact, that’s so unlike him. He must be really smitten with you.”
Madison patted him on the cheek. “It was adorable. I can still see him out there, holding a single rose, kneeling in the grass, and belting out Hopelessly Devoted to You.”
Patricia, Shelly and Irene were obviously pleased. The guys were all looking at him like he’d put on a dress. Jared pushed down the urge to run from the room.
His father frowned. “Jared can sing?”
“Not really. It was totally off-key. The neighbors opened their windows and cursed. A dog started whimpering. I think someone threw a tomato. But it melted my heart.”
“That’s so romantic.” Irene frowned at her husband. “That definitely doesn’t run in the family.”
Madison raised an eyebrow, and a devilish look flashed across her face again. “You should hear what he did for my birthday.”
Jared stood. “I think they’ve heard enough for now, sweetie. And I’m ready for a snack. Anyone else? I think I saw Irene putting out some cheese and crackers.”
“I was about to invite people to go fill up a plate.” Irene motioned toward the other room. “Dinner will be a while, and I don’t want anyone going hungry.”
As his family stood and made their way to the table, Jared glanced back at Madison’s face. Disappointment flitted across for a second, but then she recovered and hopped off the couch. “Great. Then maybe Jared can share our big announcement.”
Everyone stopped and all eyes landed on him.
Chapter 3
Madison knew she was pushing things too far, but she couldn’t stop herself. She was having way too much fun. The looks Jared was giving her were priceless. She almost broke character and busted out laughing at his expression when she told everyone they met in the women’s bathroom. And now he gawked at her, mouth open like a cod fish, eyes bugged out...she wished there was a hidden camera.
He coughed into his fist. “It’s not an announcement. I mean, there is no announcement. There’s nothing. We’re just normal.” He waved his arm in a lame ‘nothing to see here’ gesture.
She held in a giggle. He was so cute when he was caught off guard. Much better than the corporate grump she’d met earlier. With his tie loose and hair slightly rumpled, he was actually sexy. It didn’t hurt that he had broad, muscular shoulders and a trim waist. She shook the thought out of her head. She couldn’t go soft on him. He hadn’t paid enough yet for being such a jerk.
“Oh, I’m sorry, darling. Did I spoil the surprise?” She crossed the room and put her arms around his neck. “Jared asked me to marry him.”
Patricia squealed and ran over, throwing her arms around them. “I can’t believe it!”
Jared’s face paled. “But you said no.” He stepped back from her. “She said no,” he said louder. “So, that’s it.”
Patricia stepped back, confusion on her face.
“Oh, sweetie, I didn’t say no, I said let me think about it. And I’ve thought about it...and my answer is yes! We’re getting married!” She pulled Jared and Patricia back into a hug.
The room filled with instant conversation. The women hugged Madison while the men congratulated Jared. Shelly was so happy she had tears in her eyes, which brought instant guilt. She hadn’t thought about the consequences of her rash decision to announce an engagement. Seeing Shelly so moved made her realize these people were real, and she was lying to them.
The thought made her pause. Had she made a mistake? Shelly smiled through her tears and whispered, “Congratulations.”
Maybe she had taken things too far, but everything would be resolved soon. Their pretend engagement would become a pretend breakup. His family might be a bit disappointed, but they really didn’t know her very well. How upset could they be? Besides, it was all Jared’s fault for lying in the first place.
Irene squeezed her hands. “This is wonderful news. We’re so happy for you.”
Jared’s father pulled her into a tight embrace. He was a retired prosecuting attorney and he looked the part. Graying hair and the kind of body that used to be muscular but whose pot belly had taken over a few years ago. His face had a bit of a bulldog look to it. Sagging cheeks and a wide chin. “How did you hook him? I thought Jared would remain a bachelor the rest o
f his life.” Madison shrugged and laughed off his comment.
Patricia flitted around the room, her hands covering her mouth. “I can’t believe this.” Her eyes misted over. “We were going to wait until dinner, but now...well, Zachary has proposed to me, too!”
The room erupted once again. More congratulations and hugs were exchanged. Shelly cried again. Then Patricia turned to Madison, her eyes wide. “Oh my gosh, I didn’t mean to destroy your moment. I’m so sorry!”
Guilt once again plagued Madison. “No, this is wonderful. You didn’t ruin anything. I’m thrilled for you.”
Patricia’s face lit up. “You’re the sweetest thing. I know we’re going to be close. Like sisters.” Her face held a child-like innocence, large eyes and flawless skin. Madison couldn’t help but like her.
“I have the best idea.” Patricia grabbed Madison’s arm. “We should have a double wedding!” She squealed, then turned to Zachary for approval.
Her fiancé, the handsome laid back kind of guy, nodded and lifted his shoulders. “Whatever you want, honey.”
Madison’s head began to spin. Patricia looked so happy. How could she say no? “Sure. A double wedding would be great.”
Jared’s face turned red. He grabbed her arm in a vice grip and whispered, “We need to talk.” And then louder he said, “Excuse us for a second.”
He pulled her into a spare bedroom, shut the door and then rounded on her. “Have you lost your mind?”
Madison had never heard anyone quiet-shout before. “Hey, you’re the one who wanted me to lie. I’m just making it more interesting.”
“This isn’t a game.” He ground his teeth.
“You’re the one who made it a game when you brought me here to pretend—”
“I only wanted you to be nice and eat dinner.” The quiet was diminishing and the shout taking over. “How could you do this?”