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A Fake Marriage Romance Collection Page 16

  He shook his head. “No.”

  “Well, I hope she’s on the mend.” Madison bit her lip. “Before we go, I need to tell you something.”

  He raised his eyebrow at her. “Yes?”

  Sweat trickled down her back, and she squirmed. What was she going to say? “There’s this thing that happened.” She made the mistake of looking into his eyes, and the bottom dropped out of her stomach. “You see, I guess Irene did something.”

  Jared glanced at his watch. “We’d better go. You can tell me in the car.” He grabbed her arm and hustled her down the stairs and out the door.

  Madison sighed. Yeah, right, like she could really tell him in the car. That way, if the shock of the news made him jerk the wheel, at least they’d be able to honeymoon together in the hospital.

  The news could wait until they were standing in line at the airport.

  Chapter 23

  Jared heaved the bags of luggage up on the short platform. The woman behind the counter adorned the handles with the white airport stickers. Madison fidgeted with her purse strap. Jared didn’t blame her for being nervous. She was taking a trip to Hawaii with someone she’d only met a couple weeks ago. But he was determined to be the perfect gentleman. She needn’t worry. He’d get two separate rooms at the hotel, to make her feel at ease.

  This would be perfect. Give them time to get to know each other better, while having the stress of family out of the way. They didn’t have to act like a couple anymore. And this would give him the perfect chance to see if Madison had any real feelings for him.

  “You’re all checked in, sir.” The woman handed them their boarding passes. “Gate 13, Terminal B. You’d better hurry. You don’t have much time.”

  Jared took Madison’s hand and led her down the walkway.

  “I really should tell you something before we get on the plane.” Madison stepped out of the flow of traffic and pulled him over to the wall. “It’s important.”

  He searched her eyes. “What is it? Do you get air sick?”

  She shook her head. “No, nothing like that. It’s about Irene…and Jimmy.”

  Confusion set in. What was she mumbling about Irene and Jimmy? Didn’t she know the plane was about to leave? They had to get on, or they’d miss their flight. “Can it hold for a few minutes, while we run to catch our plane?”

  She shook her head, and blinked like she was going to cry.

  Good heavens. Were her hormones going to be on overdrive this whole trip? He took her hands in his. “Okay, then, tell me.”

  She drew in a ragged breath, then let it out. Agonizing seconds ticked by. He tried not to look at the clock on the wall. She frowned. “I don’t know how to say this.”


  Her face told him that wasn’t going to happen. “Irene has this thing. A suspicion or something. She thinks she knows things. Then she acts accordingly.”

  She kept talking but her words made no sense. Why couldn’t she tell him this after they boarded the plane? They still needed to get through security. He waited another minute for her to get to the point, but when she still hadn’t told him, he held up his hand. “Stop. Can you tell me while we wait in line up there?”

  She blinked, nodded, and then exhaled. “Fine. I’ll tell you later.”

  “Great.” He grabbed her hand and tugged her down the path to security.

  Madison opened her eyes to sunlight, filtering through the window of her hotel room. Compared to the guest bed at Jared’s house, this bed was hard and uncomfortable. Or maybe it was the fact that even though they were married, Jared was sleeping in the other room. She sighed.

  She’d tried to tell him, but he hadn’t been listening. He’d been too worried about catching the plane. They’d rushed to security, only to be held up by a little old man taking his time waving his wand over people. He must have been a hundred years old. She wasn’t sure what he’d do if anyone pushed their way through. Throw his wand at them?

  And then once they were on the flight, there hadn’t been enough privacy. Their connecting flight had been delayed in California, but they had ended up dozing in uncomfortable airport chairs while they waited. By the time they finally arrived in Honolulu it was the next evening, and they’d been exhausted. When they checked into the hotel, Jared had explained to the man behind the counter they needed two rooms.

  He drew his eyebrows together and spoke in broken English. “But you have honeymoon suite, yes?”

  Jared nodded. “Yes, but we’d like to change that to two rooms.”

  The man’s gaze bounced between the two of them. “Ah, I see. First quarrel. I give you lover’s spat special. Two rooms, one door connecting them.” He wiggled his eyebrows up and down.

  Jared smiled. “Fine.”

  As soon as they’d gotten into their rooms, she’d changed and plopped down on the bed, asleep in a few seconds. Now she lay staring at the ceiling, wondering what she was going to do. How strange to think she and Jared were married, and he was in the other room without a clue. A stab of guilt shot through her. She couldn’t put it off any longer. She had to tell Jared today. But what if he got mad when he found out the truth?

  She rolled out of bed, padded over to the bathroom, and turned on the hot shower. It didn’t matter if he got angry. They were married, and she couldn’t keep the truth from him. That would be wrong.

  The shower invigorated her, made her feel alive and excited to spend the day with Jared. She pushed the thought of telling him away. She’d gauge his mood and tell him when she felt it most appropriate.

  As she was fixing her hair, a knock came on the door that adjoined their two rooms. Madison opened it. Jared leaned against the door frame in a casual manner, his arms folded, looking like he’d stepped out of a cologne advertisement. She took a whiff. Yep. Definitely an expensive cologne advertisement.

  His muscles bulged under his light button-down shirt, and she had to raise her eyes to his face to keep from staring. His cool grey eyes caught her gaze, and she struggled to breathe. Dang, she had married well.

  “Hey,” she said, suddenly shy.

  His eyes sparkled. “Enjoying your vacation so far?”

  She could only nod.

  “What would you like to do today?”

  “I have no idea. I’ve never been here before.”

  Jared pushed himself off the door jamb and took a couple of steps toward her. “There’s the memorial at Pearl Harbor.”

  She wrinkled her nose. “War is depressing.”

  Jared nodded. “There’s a wonderful museum full of Hawaiian history.”

  “Hmm, isn’t there something we can do outdoors?”

  He took another step closer. She could feel the heat from his body. If he leaned over, they’d be kissing. His lips twitched. “We’re in Hawaii. There’s plenty to do outdoors.”

  “Then let’s go spend the day in nature.” On impulse, she reached up and mussed up his hair.

  “What’d you do that for?”

  “You needed a little less ‘CEO’ and a little more ‘I’m on vacation.’”

  His hands snaked around her and pulled her to him. “And you need a little ‘keep my hands to myself.’”

  They stood for a moment, staring into each other’s eyes before Jared leaned over and brushed his lips on hers. The kiss was quick and over before she knew it. He let go and stepped back. “Sorry.”

  “Don’t be.” And in her mind she said, “We can kiss. We’re married.” But the words stuck in her throat and wouldn’t come out her lips.

  Chapter 24

  They ended up spending the day at Manoa Falls, walking the trails and taking countless photos. Madison’s heart warmed as she watched Jared loosen up and enjoy the cool breeze and beauty nature provided.

  As they ate dinner in a restaurant along the beach, Madison realized it had been a near perfect day. The only problem was the fact Madison hadn’t yet told Jared.

  Her stomach churned, and nerves tingled in her chest. She cou
ldn’t wait any longer. Jared sat across from her, a slight smile on his lips. He’d never be in a better mood. She needed to spill it, like ripping off a band-aid.

  He stood and offered her his hand. “Would you like to walk along the beach with me?”

  She nodded. This was it. She took his hand and followed him down the sandy path. The soft waves reflected a calm she didn’t feel. Turning to him, she took a deep breath. “I have something to tell you.”

  His eyebrow raised quizzically. “What is it?”

  She looked out over the ocean, the sun painting the perfect backdrop. Best to simply spill it. “We’re married. For real.”

  His eyes widened in surprise. “How is that possible?”

  “Jimmy went online and got ordained as a minister.”

  He picked her up and spun her around. “My dreams have come true.”

  At least, that’s how it happened in her head.

  She blinked, realizing he was still standing there, holding out his hand, waiting for her to answer him. “Sure, we can go for a walk on the beach.”

  She took his hand for real, warmth spreading up her arm. Maybe things would go as she had imagined. Well, he probably wouldn’t say the corny ‘my dreams have come true’ line, but she’d take about anything above him freaking and screaming at her.

  The sound of sea gulls carried over the cool evening air. The sunset cast purple and pink hues over the ocean. The faint smell of rain mixed with grilled meat and fresh flowers wafted in the breeze. Jared smiled down at her. “What are your plans when we get back to Crimson Ridge?”

  Madison shrugged. She couldn’t say, “Move in with you, have a few babies, live forever in marital bliss.” So, instead, she said, “Look for a job, I guess.” She laughed, but it came out nervous and strained. She wiped her sweaty hands on her jeans.

  “I suppose eventually you’ll go back to California and give acting another shot, huh?”

  She raised an eyebrow. What was he doing? Did he want her to leave? “That’s my goal,” was all she could say.

  Pursuing her acting career hadn’t been on her mind lately. But now that he brought it up, she wondered what the future would look like if they did decide to stay married. Would Jared move to California? Or would he expect her to give up her dreams and stay in Crimson Ridge with him?

  A silence settled between them, and Jared seemed lost in thought. Now was the time. She couldn’t go on without telling him. She gathered up her courage and turned to him. “We need to talk.”

  They stopped walking and faced each other. He entwined his fingers with hers. A light breeze blew his hair. “Sure. What’s on your mind?”

  She stared into his eyes. Did she imagine it, or did his gaze hold the same love she felt? She could only hope he took the news well. A deep breath, and she spoke. “Irene found out.”

  He lifted one eyebrow. “What do you mean?”

  “She found out we weren’t really engaged. They all did, actually. Your whole family knew.” Her heart beat a painful rhythm against her ribcage.

  The loving expression melted from his face, and he clenched his jaw. “How do you know?”

  “Jimmy told me. Irene called him last week.” The next part caught in her throat, but she forced it out. “She asked him to go online and get ordained so the ceremony would be real. He did, and it was.”

  His eyes hardened, and he stiffened. “What are you saying?”

  “We’re married, Jared. For real.”

  He dropped her hand and stepped back like she’d caught on fire. His eyes narrowed. “And you knew?”

  This wasn’t going as planned. She shook her head. “No. I mean, yes, but I didn’t know it when we were going through the ceremony. Jimmy told me after the dance.”

  Anger poured off him in waves. “And when were you going to tell me?” he shouted.

  Madison looked around. Several other couples glanced their way. “Let’s not discuss this here,” she said in a low voice.

  “No, I think this is the perfect place to discuss this. What right did they have to decide something like this? And what right did you have to keep it from me?”

  Pain stabbed through her. “I tried to tell you. In the airport.”

  He pointed an accusing finger at her. “You should have told me right after you found out. At the wedding.”

  He was right. She should have. She had no defense. “I’m sorry,” she whispered, tears falling down her cheeks.

  Jared swore under his breath and raked his hand through his hair. Then he rounded on her. “What about you? Aren’t you upset?”

  At that moment, she knew. She loved him, but he didn’t love her back. She’d been happy at the news. His reaction told her everything.

  What could she say to him? That she was not upset? She hoped they would live a fairy tale life together? Someday their grandchildren would laugh about the story of how they ended up married to each other?

  She struggled to swallow the lump in her throat. She had to say something. Something real. The need to tell him her feelings overwhelmed her. “I hoped we could—”

  “We could what? Keep on pretending to be a couple? Pretend to be something we’re not to please my family?”

  His words cut deep. They were not a couple. He was pretending all along. She blinked back more tears.

  He turned on his heel. “I can’t stay here,” he said as he walked up the beach. “We should never have come. This was a bad idea.”

  She stumbled after him, fear clutching her throat. “We’re leaving?”

  He stopped, reached into his back pocket and tossed something at her. “No, you stay. Live it up on Irene’s credit card. I don’t care. I’ve got to go back and take care of this mess.”

  With that he stormed off, Madison watching his retreating back as he faded into the darkness.

  Chapter 25

  Jared slammed his car into park and jumped out. He stalked up the walkway, then entered his childhood home. Countless hours on his way home had given him plenty of time to think about what he was going to say to his father. His anger grew every minute that passed. It pulsed inside him.

  The door banged shut and he stomped through the house. His father and Irene were sitting on the kitchen stools eating lunch. At the sight of him, they both froze, Irene holding her fork half-way to her mouth, pasta hanging mid-air.

  “How dare you?” He narrowed his eyes and clenched his fists, his anger like a fire burning in his chest.

  Irene’s fork slowly descended to her plate. She cast a worried glance at her husband and licked her lips.

  Maxwell blinked. “Jared. Come on in. Sit down.”

  His casual manner spoke volumes. He didn’t care. He’d messed up Jared’s life and it didn’t even phase him.

  “How egotistical and completely typical of you. Thinking you can run my life for me. You’ve never understood me. Never even cared to try. But this? I can’t believe you sank so low.”

  Irene’s face paled. She glanced around. “Where’s Madison?”

  Jared ignored her. “I cannot believe the gall you two have. Did you think this would be funny?”

  His father stood. “Calm down.”

  “Calm down? You’ve gone too far this time. I am not going to let this go.”

  A look of panic crossed Irene’s face. “Where’s Madison?”

  Jared waved her away. “She’s still in Hawaii.”

  Irene clutched her necklace. “What did you do? You just left her in Hawaii?”

  Guilt stabbed through Jared. He’d been so mad at his father, he hadn’t thought about Madison. But she was a big girl. She could handle herself. “Don’t change the subject. Madison’s fine.” He turned to his father. “What were you thinking? Not everyone treats marriage so lightly. Some people think it means something.”

  His father hitched up his pants. “And pretending to get married shows how much you think it means?”

  “Stop!” Irene hopped off her stool and stood between them. “Everyone needs to co
ol down.”

  “No,” Jared said between clenched teeth. “I don’t need to cool down. I need you to get out of my life.” He walked to the archway and turned. “I’m done with you.”

  Madison boarded the plane, dragging her carry-on and leaving her dreams behind to die in the fading sun. She’d thought about staying in Hawaii, but couldn’t bring herself to do it. It wasn’t right to spend Irene’s money on a vacation she didn’t deserve. She’d lied to everyone. And now the only option was to go back home and bury herself in job hunting.

  She plopped down in her seat and stared out the tiny window. For some reason, everything looked smaller through the thick glass, even though the plane hadn’t taken off yet. An elderly woman sat down beside her. “Are you okay, miss?”

  Madison hadn’t realized she was crying. She wiped the tears from her cheeks. “I’m fine.”

  The woman patted her arm. “You poor dear. What happened?”

  What could she tell her? The whole thing was too crazy. In the end, she settled for, “My husband left me.”

  The woman shook her head. “Well, he must be crazy to do such a thing.”

  The flight to L.A. took six hours, then she had a long layover and another long flight to Omaha. Luckily, she was able to sleep on the plane, because she had to rent a car and drive for almost four hours to get back to her apartment in Crimson Ridge. When she finally arrived at her apartment, she was emotionally drained and her back ached. All she wanted to do was slip into bed and pull the covers over her head.

  She tugged her suitcases up the stairs. The lock stuck, and she had to wiggle her key to get the door open. When she stepped into her apartment, her mouth fell open.

  Irene sat on the couch, her arms folded and a concerned expression on her face. She stood, crossed the room, and threw her arms around Madison. “You’re home.”

  Nothing but complete shock registered in Madison’s brain. “What are you doing here?”